Use your Hunter E-mail to sign up for a free subscription!

Click on the link below to access the Hunter College Libraries site:

To access a specific journal, select journals and enter the name of the journal your are looking for, then press search. The next page will provide a link to click on for your journal, and you may search for specific topics within the journal or browse a specific issue. Some journals of interest available are:

The Wall Street Journal

Accounting Today

CPA Journal

Practicing CPA

Use your Hunter E-mail to sign up for a Job Search System: 

Career Development Services at Hunter College: 

Accounting Today

Accounting Today is free to those who register. This trade publication will also ask you to select which of their targeted publications you would like sent to your email address.

Hunter Pre-Business Newsletter

Pre-Business Advising sends out a newsletter providing subscribers with the first opportunity for newly posted internships and more:

Journal of Accountancy

The Journal of Accountancy provides regulatory updates and news relating to the profession of accounting.

New Accountant

This journal is meant for college students, with articles contributed from Accounting professors and industry professionals.